The wisest man who ever lived once said “ as a man thinketh, in his heart so is he,” for out of the heart, “are issues of the life.”. The season of temptation, under which it may be, one falls into grievous sin, does not create the evil that is revealed, but only develops or …

In the footsteps of Paul

Paul’s excellence in mission work is one to be emulated by today Christians. His hunger, zeal and desire to see the Lord Jesus Christ coming through the clouds is one to be admired. In these last days, there is a great need for missionary workers with the mindset of Paul. Close study to his missions …

Insight into Ministry

Principles for successful Ministry/church/Minister Testimonies to the Church Volume 1;Chapter Titled: Testimonies to the church; Sub Title: Thy Brother’s Keeper The following are some principles the above chapters on how to lead a successful church/ministry. The chapter was written when sister white was shown that the spirit of the church was dying (November, 20,1855).  a.) …

The Wildernes Journey

In the last article I shared with you my wilderness account. I narrated how the Lord had taken me all the way to London to teach me valuable lessons. This section will be a continuation from last time. The only difference is that we shall ask our selves why do we need the wilderness experience. …

The Wildernes Journey

In the last article I shared with you my wilderness account. I narrated how the Lord had taken me all the way to London to teach me valuable lessons. This section will be a continuation from last time. The only difference is that we shall ask our selves why do we need the wilderness experience. …